English Unplugged - Allgemeines Englisch (B1+)


Sie verstehen mehr als Sie selbst ausdrücken können, weil Ihnen die Worte fehlen?

Sie möchten ohne Lehrbuch lernen und sich über Themen unterhalten, die Sie wirklich interessieren?

Then it’s time to join us and practise your English with other like-minded people in a relaxed atmosphere.
Here you will talk about things that are personally interesting to you and discuss different topics of common interest such as current news items and other stimulating issues.
You will enlarge your vocabulary and thus gain more confidence when speaking spontaneously.
There will be no coursebook. Instead, we will focus on the language that emerges from our conversations and discussions and build on it using news broadcasts, interviews and presentation videos. You are also welcome to introduce your own ideas for discussion.
All you need to bring along is your desire to speak English!

  • Gesamter Kurs


Dauer: 10 Abende
Referent:innen: Marion Karg, M. A.


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